As winter break approached, I noticed that I had become complacent with some areas of my practice. I don't think that this is the complacency that comes with too many years of experience
1. I think this is the complacency that comes with figuring out how to be both a good parent and a good teacher simultaneously.
At the same time, I came across
this post by Jan Burkins and Kim Yaris via my undergrad education professor,
@CindyOA. I walked away thinking about this:
If you were to draw your inner teacher, what would he/she look like? How does he/she feel? Excited? Nervous? Overwhelmed? In reading the work of Martha Beck–which encourages us to pay close attention to our emotions because they are our inner compass–we’ve discovered that our inner teacher’s emotions can serve as our teaching compass. After teaching, thinking, feeling, writing, reflecting–lather, rinse, repeat–we’ve learned to trust our inner teacher, and to understand that, when she is lethargic or angry we need to adjust something in our practice or our thinking, or even both. As we have explored the connection between our energy, our effectiveness, and our teaching, we have arrived at a four big principles that help our teaching compass stay on true north. We call these four guiding tenets “The Four Intentions” and, if we are mindful of them, our inner teacher feels like this:

We use these intentions to plan lessons, purposefully considering each tenet as we design instruction. We also use them to reflect on lessons we teach. These intentions have become the framework for all our thinking about instruction, even about education in general. Here is an explanation for each intention, and questions you can ask yourself to reflect on how well a particular lesson or some other work addresses “The Four Intentions.”
Intention 1: Alignment (with our inner teacher)
In these days of aligning curricula, instruction, and language with performance standards, we offer, instead, as our primary teaching intention alignment with our highest purpose for teaching–that is, a focus on lifelong learning. This includes a reconnection with our original visions for our teaching selves and a reawakening of our loftiest visions for students as learners [emphasis added]. Staying true to the alignment intention means keeping our sights set on our long-term outcomes and the ways in which our instructional decisions can affect who children will grow up to become. The alignment intention is all about recognizing and action on our agency as teachers, and using this agency to empower students. To evaluate your work against the alignment intention, ask yourself the following questions:
- Does my inner teacher, my highest teaching self, feel safe (even happy) with this instructional choice? How do I know?
- How does this work/decision/lesson show students their power as learners?
- Am I excited about this work/lesson? Why?
While flying through all parts of life by the seat of my pants for the last two years, I've lost some of the practices that make my inner teacher happy. He isn't "lethargic or angry," but he is . . . uncomfortable. Unsatisfied with his current performance. I've let some things slide, and he doesn't like watching them slide.
So. Here's what I'm going to do about it.
Build Better Relationships
Back when I was a second year teacher and struggling with classroom management, I began using
conversation calendars (Tovani, 2004, p. 106-110) with my students - exit slips that allow me 15 to 30 second one-on-one conversations with each of my students.
In 2009, when I was only working half-time, it was no problem to go through 90 of these each afternoon. With six classes, however, I need to set up a rotation through my classes, hitting two per week. Logistically, this has been a little bit more than my toddler-fried brain could handle. But I'm recommitting myself, setting reminder alarms on my phone if I need to, because the written conversations I have with students make a huge difference in my student-teacher relationships.
When I was a fourth-year teacher, I wrote and responded to student letters quarterly, asking students how the units of study went for them and what I could do as a teacher to help their learning. Every year, I try to respond to letters my students write at the beginning of the school year where they tell me a little bit about themselves. Lately, I've been getting through five in one class, maybe 20 in another, but in a majority of classes, zero.
I'm going to end first semester (February here in the Pacific Northwest) with teacher evaluations for my students to provide me feedback on how I can improve, and start second semester with letters from my students that I'll write one group letter back in response that explain my rationale for any disliked activities and address student suggestions.
Emphasize Proceedures
When I was a younger teacher, I was much more of a control freak. Things had to be done a certain way. If one student spoke out of turn, it felt chaotic to me.
Thankfully, I've mellowed
2, but I'm a little too far in the other direction. It takes my juniors five minutes of reminders at the beginning of class to start their sustained silent reading. Often, I have to threaten lunch detention in order to get everyone quietly reading. That's silly.
I listed proceedures in my syllabus - the same ones I've had since my second year of teaching. I just need to refresh my students on them, and start enforcing them. (I haven't been. At all.)
When entering the classroom:
- Get your materials
from the filing cabinet in the room.
- Be in your seat with
all your materials when the bell rings.
- When the bell
rings, immediately and quietly begin the warm-up exercise.
When reading:
- Reading is
thinking. It is easier to think
when it is silent and there are few distractions. Do not talk when reading.
- When you do need to
talk to the teacher or a partner, whisper.
- Fully focus on
reading during silent reading time.
When writing:
- Writing is
thinking. It is easier to think
when it is silent and there are few distractions. Do not talk when writing.
- When you do need to
talk to the teacher or a partner, whisper.
- Use the
entire writing time working on writing.
When leaving the
- The teacher
dismisses, not the bell.
- Leave your workspace
cleaner than you found it and return all materials to the right place.
- When your workspace
is clean, sit in your chair and wait to be dismissed.
- When dismissed, push
your chair in if necessary.
- Turn in
calendars and any other assignments on your way out the door.
Grade During Block Prep
This is my seventh year teaching, and I'm back at the school where I started my teaching career. I work with a fantastic department and have a great administrator. So this year I felt comfortable playing a role as a small, unnoticeable agent of change. Most of them have to do with reading - posting student book reviews on a Twitter account other students can follow, creating and distributing book review index cards that sit in the back pocket of library books.
These small crusades
3 are fun. And often take place during my prep time. And then I have a toddler at home. Which means I've gotten behind on grading. I even got a holiday card from a great student that encouraged me to have a nice break and enjoy the time off but also to grade her writing.
Thus my 88 minutes of Thursday prep
4 shall find me at my desk, grading the papers that are so much less fun than crusades for changing school culture. But feedback is important too, so I'll do it. (And during my Monday prep, I'll make stickers with qr codes that lead to book trailers for the library TAs to put on books. Bwahahaha!)
1. If it is, then I need to find a new job.
Go back.
2. It's all about the yoga.
Go back.
3. That only I am noticing and pretending is worthwhile, I'm sure.
Go back.
4. And weekend naps. And evenings.
Go back.